
class untuk membuat form edit dan add contoh penggunaan ada di bagian bawah file

Contoh penggunaan:

echo _class('params',$params)->show();
Sample $params untuk script diatas adalah:
$params = array(
  'title'       => 'Header of form or title',
  'table'       => 'bbc_content',       // table utama yang akan digunakan oleh class 'params'
  'text_id'     => 'bbc_content_text',  // jika table utama menggunakan fitur multi language
  'config_pre'  => array(),             // Kumpulan input field yang ditampilkan SEBELUM config
  'config'      => $config,             // kumpulan input field yang disimpan dalam satu field di table utama
  'name'        => 'params',            // nama field dari table utama untuk menyimpan kumpulan field diatas
  'config_post' => array(),             // Kumpulan input field yang ditampilkan SETELAH config
  'pre_func'    => '',                  // nama function yang ingin dieksekusi sebelum menyimpan dalam database
  'post_func'   => '',                  // nama function yang ingin dieksekusi setelah database di simpan
  'primary'     => 'id',                // nama primary field pada table utama yang biasanya adalah "id"
  'id'          => 0                    // Integer ID dari table utama jika mode 'edit' ('0' jika add)
untuk 'config_pre', dan 'config_post' index dari Array yang dimasukkan adalah nama field yang harus tersedia pada table utama, sedangkan format dari Array sama seperti $config, dan berikut contoh membuat input field yang bisa anda aplikasikan untuk variable $config
$config = array(
  'inputtext' => array(
    'text'      => 'Sample Text Input',
    'tips'      => 'text to display under the input in small font-size',
    'add'       => 'additional text after the input',
    'help'      => 'popup tips to display right after the title',
    'type'      => 'text', // type of input
    'language'  => true,  // is input support multiple language, default value is false
    'attr'      => ' size="40"', // additional attribute for the input
    'default'   => 'insert default value',
    'mandatory' => 1, // is this field must be filled in (compulsory). Eg. 1 or 0
    'checked'   => 'any' // validate input eg. 'any' / 'email' / 'url' / 'phone' / 'number'
  'plain' => array(
    'text'    => 'Sample Plaintext',
    'tips'    => 'text to display under the input in small font-size',
    'add'     => 'additional text after the input',
    'help'    => 'popup tips to display right after the title',
    'type'    => 'plain',
    'default' => 'this is the text'
  'radio' => array(
    'text'      => 'Sample Radio input',
    'tips'      => 'text to display under the input in small font-size',
    'add'       => 'additional text after the input',
    'help'      => 'popup tips to display right after the title',
    'type'      => 'radio',
    'delim'     => " -- ",
    'option'    => array('yes', 'no'),
    'default'   => '0',
    'mandatory' => 1, // is this field must be filled in (compulsory). Eg. 1 or 0
    'checked'   => 'any' // validate input eg. 'any' / 'email' / 'url' / 'phone' / 'number'
  'select' => array(
    'text'      => 'Sample Select input',
    'tips'      => 'text to display under the input in small font-size',
    'add'       => 'additional text after the input',
    'help'      => 'popup tips to display right after the title',
    'type'      => 'select',
    'is_arr'    => true,     // if this is true, user has multiple selection
    'option'    => array(1 => 'yes', 0 => 'no'),
    'default'   => 'no',
    'mandatory' => 0, // is this field must be filled in (compulsory). Eg. 1 or 0
    'checked'   => 'any' // validate input eg. 'any' / 'email' / 'url' / 'phone' / 'number'
  'checkbox' => array(
    'text'      => 'Sample Checkbox input',
    'tips'      => 'text to display under the input in small font-size',
    'add'       => 'additional text after the input',
    'help'      => 'popup tips to display right after the title',
    'type'      => 'checkbox',
    'delim'     => " -- ",
    'option'    => array(1 => 'yes', 0 => 'no'), // leave it empty or unset for one checkbox and value
    'default'   => 1,
    'mandatory' => 0, // is this field must be filled in (compulsory). Eg. 1 or 0
    'checked'   => 'any' // validate input eg. 'any' / 'email' / 'url' / 'phone' / 'number'
  'checkbox2' => array(
    'text'      => 'Sample Checkbox with one option',
    'tips'      => 'text to display under the input in small font-size',
    'add'       => 'additional text after the input',
    'help'      => 'popup tips to display right after the title',
    'type'      => 'checkbox',
    'option'    => 'activate',
    'default'   => 1,
    'mandatory' => 0, // is this field must be filled in (compulsory). Eg. 1 or 0
    'checked'   => 'any' // validate input eg. 'any' / 'email' / 'url' / 'phone' / 'number'
  'textarea' => array(
    'text'      => 'Sample textarea input',
    'tips'      => 'text to display under the input in small font-size',
    'add'       => 'additional text after the input',
    'help'      => 'popup tips to display right after the title',
    'type'      => 'textarea',
    'language'  => true,       // is input support multiple language, default value is false
    'default'   => 'sfdghgfhg',// default value
    'mandatory' => 0,       // is this field must be filled in (compulsory). Eg. 1 or 0
    'format'    => 'none',    // what format you want to use eg. none | code | html
    'checked'   => 'any' // validate input eg. 'any' / 'email' / 'url' / 'phone' / 'number'
  'file'     => array(
    'text'    => 'Sample input for single file',
    'tips'    => 'text to display under the input in small font-size',
    'add'     => 'additional text after the input',
    'help'    => 'popup tips to display right after the title',
    'type'    => 'file',
    'default' => 'sfdghgfhg',
    'path'    => 'images/uploads/'
  'files'     => array(
    'text'    => 'Sample input for multiple files',
    'tips'    => 'insert files to uploaded',
    'add'     => 'additional text after the input',
    'help'    => 'popup tips to display right after the title',
    'type'    => 'files',
    'default' => '',
    'max'     => '5',
    'path'    => 'images/upload'
  'captcha'    => array(
    'text'  => 'Sample captcha for validation',
    'tips'  => 'Insert shown code in image as validation',
    'add'   => 'additional text after the input',
    'help'  => 'popup tips to display right after the title',
    'type'  => 'captcha',
    'match' => 0 // '1' for Case Insensitive


File Path: includes/class/params.php class untuk membuat form edit dan add contoh penggunaan ada di bagian bawah file

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