untuk menampilkan menu dalam bentuk tree (seperti akar pohon jika diklik akan meng-expand sub menu di dalam nya) menggunakan jQuery [depricated]
menu_nav_tree($arr, $active_class='', $params = array());
$param = array( 'animated' => "slow" || "normal" || "fast" || "milisecond" // (To disable animation, remove this option entirely), 'collapsed'=> true || false, 'unique' => true || false // (Sets whether only one tree node can be open at any time, collapsing any previous open nodes.), 'persist' => "location|cookie", // (To disable persistence, remove this option entirely) 'cookieId'=> "string", // (The desired custom cookie name) 'control' => 'jQuery selector', 'toggle' => 'callbackfunction', 'add' => 'jQuery selector', 'prerendered'=> true || false, 'url' => "source.php" // If defined, starts with an empty tree, then asynchronously adds branches to the tree when requested based on data returned from the server (in JSON format) );
File Path: includes/function/menu.php function untuk menampilkan menu untuk public area, contoh Array menu ada di function menu_ulli
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