
membuat form field textarea yang berupa code editor

editor_code($name, $value = '', $config = array(), $meta = true);

  • $name: 
    • String nama field dari Code Editor yang dibuat
    • Array configurasi dari Code Editor yang harus mengandung key "id" lihat contoh di bawah!
  • $value: String yang akan diisikan secara default pada Code Editor
  • $config: Array konfigurasi untuk option tambahan pada code editor tersebut lihat contoh di bawah!
  • $meta: Boolean apakah file js dari Code editor ini akan di load pada meta tag ataukah tidak pada halaman HTML
Berikut adalah contoh penggunaan sederhana
$name = array(
	'id'            => 'fieldName', 
	'fullscreen'    => true, 
	'syntax'        => 'php', 
	'syntaxes'      => 'all', 
	'theme'         => 'esoftplay',
	'save_callback' => 'test_function'
$value  = 'echo phpinfo();';
$config = array(
	'useSoftTabs'              => true,
	'showPrintMargin'          => true,
	'enableLiveAutocompletion' => true

echo editor_code($name, $value, $config);
< script type="text/javascript" >
	function test_function() {var a = editor1.getValue();
		alert("silahkan lihat console log!");
< /script >
perhatikan pada javascriptnya, pada contoh langsung menggunakan variable editor1 tanpa ada nya declarasi, karena setiap penggunaan function editor_code maka secara otomatis akan memlbuat variable baru dalam javascript yaitu editor1, editor2, editor3... tergantung berapa kali anda memanggil function ini dalam satu halaman tersebut.

editor ini juga memliki shortcut yaitu F1: untuk menampilkan option, F2 untuk toggle fullscreen dan F3 untuk men-submit form yang membungkus editor tersebut. Sedangkan alternatif untuk men-submit adalah dengan Ctrl+S untuk windows/Linux dan CMD+S untuk MacOS

Contoh penggunaan variable $name:
$name = array(
	'id'            => 'input-name', // input/textarea's name in the form
	'save_callback' => 'js-func-name', // name of function in javascript to execute on submit
	'theme'         => 'theme-name', // it's like $config['theme'] only without prefix 'ace/theme/'
	'syntax'        => 'mode-name', // it's like $config['mode'] only without prefix 'ace/mode/'
	'syntaxes'      => 'available,mode,name', // Array of available $config['mode'] only without prefix 'ace/mode/' with comma delimiter
	'fullscreen'    => 'boolean', // Boolean wheter the editor will in full screen
Contoh penggunaan variable $config:
$config = array(
	// editor options
	'selectionStyle'           => 'line',// "line"|"text"
	'highlightActiveLine'      => true, // boolean
	'highlightSelectedWord'    => true, // boolean
	'readOnly'                 => false, // boolean: true if read only
	'cursorStyle'              => 'ace', // "ace"|"slim"|"smooth"|"wide"
	'mergeUndoDeltas'          => true, // false|true|"always"
	'behavioursEnabled'        => true, // boolean: true if enable custom behaviours
	'wrapBehavioursEnabled'    => true, // boolean
	'autoScrollEditorIntoView' => undefined, // boolean: this is needed if editor is inside scrollable page
	'keyboardHandler'          => null, // function: handle custom keyboard events
	'enableLiveAutocompletion' => false, // auto suggestion as you type somthing in editor

	// renderer options
	'animatedScroll'          => false, // boolean: true if scroll should be animated
	'displayIndentGuides'     => false, // boolean: true if the indent should be shown. See 'showInvisibles'
	'showInvisibles'          => false, // boolean -> displayIndentGuides: true if show the invisible tabs/spaces in indents
	'showPrintMargin'         => false, // boolean: true if show the vertical print margin
	'printMarginColumn'       => 80, // number: number of columns for vertical print margin
	'printMargin'             => undefined, // boolean | number: showPrintMargin | printMarginColumn
	'showGutter'              => true, // boolean: true if show line gutter
	'fadeFoldWidgets'         => false, // boolean: true if the fold lines should be faded
	'showFoldWidgets'         => true, // boolean: true if the fold lines should be shown ?
	'showLineNumbers'         => true,
	'highlightGutterLine'     => false, // boolean: true if the gutter line should be highlighted
	'hScrollBarAlwaysVisible' => false, // boolean: true if the horizontal scroll bar should be shown regardless
	'vScrollBarAlwaysVisible' => false, // boolean: true if the vertical scroll bar should be shown regardless
	'fontSize'                => 12, // number | string: set the font size to this many pixels
	'fontFamily'              => undefined, // string: set the font-family css value
	'maxLines'                => undefined, // number: set the maximum lines possible. This will make the editor height changes
	'minLines'                => undefined, // number: set the minimum lines possible. This will make the editor height changes
	'maxPixelHeight'          => 0, // number -> maxLines: set the maximum height in pixel, when 'maxLines' is defined.
	'scrollPastEnd'           => 0, // number -> !maxLines: if positive, user can scroll pass the last line and go n * editorHeight more distance
	'fixedWidthGutter'        => false, // boolean: true if the gutter should be fixed width
	'theme'                   => 'textmate', // theme string from ace/theme or custom? see example below

	// mouseHandler options
	'scrollSpeed'         => 2, // number: the scroll speed index
	'dragDelay'           => 0, // number: the drag delay before drag starts. it's 150ms for mac by default
	'dragEnabled'         => true, // boolean: enable dragging
	'focusTimout'         => 0, // number: the focus delay before focus starts.
	'tooltipFollowsMouse' => true, // boolean: true if the gutter tooltip should follow mouse // session options
	'firstLineNumber'     => 1, // number: the line number in first line
	'overwrite'           => false, // boolean
	'newLineMode'         => 'auto', // "auto" | "unix" | "windows"
	'useWorker'           => true, // boolean: true if use web worker for loading scripts
	'useSoftTabs'         => false, // boolean: true if we want to use spaces than tabs
	'tabSize'             => 2, // number
	'wrap'                => false, // boolean | string | number: true/'free' means wrap instead of horizontal scroll, false/'off' means horizontal scroll instead of wrap, and number means number of column before wrap. -1 means wrap at print margin
	'indentedSoftWrap'    => true, // boolean
	'foldStyle'           => 'markbegin', // enum: 'manual'/'markbegin'/'markbeginend'.
	'mode'                => 'ace/mode/text' // string: path to language mode see example below
Mode atau script syntax yang tersedia untuk $config['mode'] atau $name['syntax'] (without 'ace/mode/'):
$config['mode'] = array_rand(array(
theme atau script highlight yang tersedia untuk $config['theme'] atau $name['theme'] (without 'ace/theme/'):
$config['theme'] = array_rand(array(


File Path: includes/function/editor.php function untuk menampilkan form field HTML Editor maupun Code Editor

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